Photo by Yorgos Kaplanides


In theatre, she has collaborated with the National Theatre of Greece, the Cyprus Theatre Organization, as well as other independent theatre groups and ensembles and has performed in Athens, Chicago, New York, Seoul etc with directors such as Peter Stein, Fernando Rubio, Philip Kraus, Yiannis Houvardas, Yiannis Kalavrianos, Fotis Nicolaou, Konstantinos Arvanitakis, Aliki Danezi-Knutsen, Nikos Mastorakis, Vassilis Papavassiliou, Martha Frintzila, Baumstrasse, Trog_A_Tek, etc. 

Homepage Photo: Yorgos Kaplanides / Website Art Direction: Artémis Psathas

Photo by Yorgos Kaplanides